EKTOS offers clients the opportunity to explore new possibilities and unlock the potential of interconnected systems. Whether you are seeking to improve efficiency, optimize operations, or gain deeper insights, our AI/ML solutions can assist you. Our team will work closely with you to understand your specific requirements and create and scale AI and automation that aligns perfectly with your goals.

We bring our expertise in designing low-footprint solutions, utilizing either the Cube edgeAI or NanoEdge, or simply a downscaled ML model.

Areas of specialization

  • Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Computer Vision
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Data Analytics and Big Data
  • Edge AI
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • AI Ethics and Responsible AI

Our development team is highly skilled in data processing and analysis, and we use advanced tools such as TensorFlow (Lite), PyTorch, and MATLAB to achieve outstanding results. Proper analysis and processing of data using the right tools is essential for successful implementation and the shortest time to market for your product.

Our recent project portfolio includes application areas such as sensor fusion, data anomaly detection, sound pattern recognition, and predictive maintenance. We prioritize the security and reliability of your data and processes, ensuring that they are always protected.

  • AI Model Deployment
  • AI Hardware Acceleration
  • Cybersecurity and AI Security
  • AI Regulatory Compliance
  • AI/ML Frameworks and Tools
  • Domain-Specific Knowledge
  • Project Management


Product Enhancement & Customization
Algorithm Development
Quality Assurance and Testing
Predictive Maintenance
Data Analytics and Insights
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Energy Efficiency and Sustainability
Supply Chain Optimization
Customer Support and Chatbots
Security and Fraud Detection
User Behavior Analysis
Regulatory Compliance
Technology Evaluation and Adoption
Training and Workshops
Prototyping and Proof of Concept




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